Living Labs

During early stakeholder engagement in Moray, five key themes were identified as priority areas within the Health and Social Care sector.

These themes will be explored using Living Lab methodology, which is defined by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL).

Throughout these Living Labs, we will hold workshops and interviews with health and care practitioners and members of the public.

During these activities, we will gauge what the services currently offer and how they operate, what frustrations staff and end users of services have, and finally how can we improve the services for both the people that deliver them and those that use them.

Make sure you join our Citizen Panel to get involved in activities!

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Five themes

Living Lab 1

Supported Self-Management

Living Lab 2

Long-Term Conditions Co-management

Senior citizens community

Living Lab 3

Care in Place

Living Lab 4

Smart Housing/ Communities

Living Lab 5

Mental Well-being