
Chronic Pain Management: Review of current practice against a standardised systematic approach

15th June 2018

Chronic Pain Management: Review of current practice against a standardised systematic approach

Conditions for providing care in healthcare are constantly changing. The demographic
of the population is evolving, service institutions are expanding, and our knowledge of
both disease and condition management is exponentially rising. Through the last
decades, healthcare providers have become more efficient, the patients are spending
less time in hospitals, and we have new and better management strategies for
diseases. However, the costs for care provision are rising and will continue to rise
unless we change fundamentally the way we are providing care. Additionally,
healthcare personnel are complaining over busy schedules and limited time available
for each patient. There are many intertwined strategies to solve these problems, such
as use of new technology, interdisciplinary collaboration and patient empowerment. In
terms of diagnostics and treatment, technology tools have revolutionized healthcare,
but technology to improve collaboration and patient empowerment has not had the
same success