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Grant Reilly


16th November 2023


Join the DHI Board and help shape the future of digital health and care in Scotland!

DHI is seeking motivated and passionate individuals to join our esteemed Board. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in social care, the college sector, or the digital health and care business sector.

  • Job Title: DHI Board Member
  • Organisation: Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
  • Location: Glasgow, Scotland
  • Type: Volunteer, Non-Remunerated Position
  • Application Deadline: Friday 22 December 2023, at 1700 (UK time)

About DHI:

The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) is a national resource, generously funded by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council. Located within the Glasgow City Innovation District.

DHI is a world-leading collaboration between The Glasgow School of Art and The University of Strathclyde, transform great ideas into real solutions and focus on innovating in digital health and care to help the people of Scotland live longer, healthier lives while providing sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

DHI plays a pivotal role in supporting collaboration to co-design person-centred digital health and care solutions across service, technical and business innovation. DHI is shifting the balance of care from a traditional treatment focused model to one that focuses on prevention, detection, post event care and self-management.

DHI have developed an Innovation Process Model that is non-linear, iterative, and has a responsive approach to resolving demand-driven health and care challenges. The model is underpinned by learning based innovation, embedded research expertise and creative co-design with front line staff and citizens, the model creates the conditions for a unique, whole system approach to health and care transformation. We use it to support innovation all the way from idea to adoption at scale and impact focused knowledge exchange.

As part of our innovation process model DHI:

  • Undertake Research & Knowledge Management - delivering market and practice research to inform the work carried out for our partners. This activity focusses around three main areas:
  1. Research
  2. Skills
  3. Workforce development, knowledge management and knowledge exchange activities

Research is demand driven and dictated by knowledge or information requirements / gaps identified by the DHI and other partners. Research tasks come via “Research Requests”, which range from small information gathering exercises and rapid reviews to more extensive global market and literature reviews and major pieces of primary research.

  • Operate a Demonstration & Simulation Environment (DSE) – comprising of two parts:

  1. A virtual cloud-based environment where people come together to create and connect digital services, using simulated data for testing
  2. A physical environment that then demonstrates these technologies, alongside co-design and market analysis outputs, to engage and empower people to use digital capabilities to transform health and care services

DHI have spent the last six years identifying common digital requirements across many services and continuously develop a menu of commercially available systems to satisfy these needs.

They use open platform principles, well-recognised standards, and Open APIs to integrate these systems as needed. This has led to a new way of co-designing, developing, and implementing new health and care service models. Instead of trying to wedge an existing product into a healthcare process, DHI and partners redesign the service and draw on a menu of flexible, generic digital tools to empower the new model of care.

This allows us to respond to urgent and rapid innovation requests with an existing innovation environment, design and prototyping methods, a team who had experience of how to transform a digitally powered idea into a real service, a menu of reusable digital infrastructures and a network of users, clinicians, academics, eHealth teams and industry partners.

  • Deliver Digital Programmes and Projects - In response to agreed national priorities DHI deliver projects that utilise technical, service and business innovation approaches to address some of the key challenges being experienced across the health and care landscape in Scotland.

By focussing the knowledge and expertise that DHI has built up over the last 10 years they can de risk innovation investment, deliver focused service transformation and secure sustainable benefits for all involved in service planning, management, delivery and importantly for individuals and families requiring support.

Position Overview:

DHI is seeking motivated and passionate individuals to join our esteemed Board. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in social care, the college sector, or the digital health and care business sector.

As a Board Member, you will play a crucial role in shaping the strategic direction and success of DHI. This position involves quarterly meetings, which can be attended either in person or online. It is a voluntary role and does not come with remuneration.


  • Provide Strategic Leadership: Offer strategic guidance and direction to DHI to support its mission and goals.
  • Attend Board Meetings: Actively participate in quarterly Board meetings, contributing insights and promoting DHI's activities.
  • Add Value: Identify opportunities to add value to DHI's strategic, tactical, and operational activities through your expertise and advice.
  • Promote Innovation: Champion innovation, its adoption, and scaling across the health and care landscape in Scotland.

About the DHI Board:

The DHI Board oversees the strategic direction and performance of DHI, comprising representatives from various sectors, including policymakers, industry stakeholders, academia, and key public sector agencies in health and care. The Board recognises the challenges faced by its members and offers flexible meeting options.

Why Join Us:

Becoming a DHI Board Member is an opportunity to make a significant impact on a globally vital sector in which DHI is recognized as a world-leading agency. It also allows you to advocate for innovation in health and care, contributing to a more sustainable, fairer, diverse, inclusive, and healthier well-being economy for Scotland. By joining the DHI Board, you'll play a vital role in addressing the key societal challenges faced by our citizens.

How to Apply:

If you are enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of DHI's future success and believe your experience, knowledge, and networks can make a difference, please send your CV and a covering letter explaining your motivation for applying to:


We welcome applications until Friday 22 December 2023, at 1700 (UK time).

Join us at DHI to contribute to the transformation of health and care through digital innovation, shaping a better future for Scotland's citizens.

Your expertise can help make a significant difference in the digital health and care sector!

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