
TITTAN was of 64 projects sponsored by Interreg Europe and has a total fund of EUR1.6 Million between 2016 and March 2021.

TITTAN (Technology, Innovation and Translation in Ageing Network) was is a knowledge exchange project, aiming to implement good practices that can foster the design, uptake and use of innovative technology-based products and solutions for healthy and active ageing across the partner regions. The project also aimed to support the development of regional policy in technology-enabled healthcare within these regions.

There were 7 partners involved in the TITTAN project. ACIS in Galicia were the lead partner. The other partners were Saxony, Lower Silesia, Basque Region, Lombardy and Almere and DHI in Scotland.


Following the success of the TITTAN project the partners were awarded additional 12 months funding to exchange knowledge around tackling the effects of Covid-19 in the aging population.  DHI presented 6 best practices from across Scotland.

Visit the Tittan Project Website

University of Strathclyde

During Phase 1 of the TITTAN  project the following activity took place:

  • Two specific study visits in Galicia and Dresden where we shared specific Scotland-focused insights to inform the questions and discussions;
  • A small study visit to Scotland, which involved several organisations from Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. The event was a great success and further solidified the Action Plan by engaging with key contacts in the Scottish ecosystem. The event brought together the relevant National Services Scotland individuals and Galician procurement experts who agreed to collaborate throughout the implementation phase of the project up to March 2021. This will be a strategic relationship to give support to Scottish procurement in their endeavours to promote the successful uptake of health innovations into the NHS specifically through PPI;
  • A visit in 2019 to Madrid further developed the regional action plans for 2020.

TITTAN’s Phase 1 activity concluded with the development of an Action Plan based on knowledge exchanged with the project partners.  This Action Plan was monitored throughout Phase 2, which ran until March 2021.

TITTAN Covid-19 started in October 2021 after additionally funding was secured from Interreg NWE to look at exchanging knowledge around how the partner regions were tackling the effects of Covid-19 on the ageing population.   Through a series of workshops and a final conference best practices were presented including 6 from Scotland: 

  • Near Me - Video consultation services for remote appointments
  • Test & Protect - Digital systems for national Covid-19 testing and contract tracing
  • Dynamic Scot - Support service for patients with COPD in the community
  • Covid-19 Decision Support - Development of decision support tools for healthcare professionals
  • Connecting Scotland - National human centred approaches to reduce rates of digital exclusion during Covid-19

DHI hosted the first virtual workshop in March 2022, attended and presented at a further 2 virtual workshops, and the in person final conference in Spain in September 2022. 

View the Final Assessment Report for TITTAN Covid-19

Impact and Value

  • As the TITTAN and TITTAN Covid-19 projects are funded by Interreg Europe, we are asked to affect policy change with the policy for Scotland being: “Scottish ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 – Priority – “Innovation in support of growth and jobs. Promoting business investment in innovation and research; and developing links and synergies between enterprises, R&D Centres and higher Education Sector.” This is affected through implementation of the Action Plan;
  • Sharing of best practice from other regions through knowledge exchange for both TITTAN and TITTAN Covid-19

Next steps

During TITTAN Phase 2 (to March 2021) there was continued implementation and dissemination of the Action Plan to affect policy change through the following activity as identified through the TITTAN project, including:

Integrated health and home monitoring platform;

  • DHI’s DSE – ongoing activity;
  • Just Living & ENCIPHER proposals – submitted for funding; 

Ecosystem and Engagement Development;

  • Areas of Special Interest and creation of Innovation Clusters – DHI’s Phase 2 priority areas including Healthy Ageing;
  • Providing support for public sector and private sector in priority areas, utilising DHI’s DSE;
  • Next Generation Services Proposal.

The TITTAN Covid-19 activity and good practices have been reported to Interreg and published on the Interreg Good Practice website.

Healthy and active ageing is a major societal challenge common to all European Countries.

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